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Benefits of Pilates

Develops and Strengthens Core


While Pilates training focuses on core strength, it trains the body as an integrated whole. Pilates workout promotes strength and a balanced muscle development.


Relieves Stress and Tension


By recognising areas of tension you can concentrate and focus on trying to release any tension you have. The aim is to learn how to release stress and help you relax through your body and allow it to move in a natural flowing way with ease. Pilates is designed to improve physical and mental well being.


Improves Posture and Balance


The slow controlled flowing movements primarily strengthens the core muscles that stabilize and support the spine, realign the goby and help connect postural problems.


Reduces and Prevents Back Pain


A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured. A Pilates program also teaches awareness of movement habits that may stress the spine. It also helps alter the habits to
keep a neutral alignment.


Assists with Injury Rehab


Many injuries are caused by muscular imbalances within our bodies and many things cause thse imbalances. Pilates is now widely practised as an injury rehabilitation method on a global scale to restore imbalances in injured muscles.


Increases Flexibility


Pilates is known for helping people develop both strength and flexibility. The enhancement of flexibility in the body helps increase the range of joint motion.


Develops a Leaner and Stronger Body


Pilates works all the muscle groups resulting in a leaner, stronger body. There is nothing that forms and flattens a stomach better than Pilates. It has a unique focus on core muscles in the trunk and pelvis. Pilates is one of the best ways to build core strength.


Suitable for Orthopaedic Conditions


The Pilates method of exercise has become increasinlgy popular as a safe and effective method of exercise for clients recovering from and managing orthapedic conditions. Pilates is recommended by many medical professionals including GPs, Physiotherapists and Osteopaths. A well managed exerise program can play a valuable role in the prevention, treatment and management of a variety of Orthapedic conditions.

Improves Mental Health


Pilates can improve your focus both on and off the mat, strengthening your mind and your memory. Pilates and breathing exercises can help to reduce anxiety and the incidence of panic attacks in prone individuals.

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