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About Nadine


So where did it all start? Have I been practising Pilates for 20 years? No. Has my whole life revolved around Pilates? No.


8 years ago a friend introduced me to Pilates and I decided to tag along. After one class with an amazing teacher I was hooked. After attending many classes and being surprised with the results in such a short space of time, it was then I realised this was the direction I wanted my career to follow.

Fitness has always been a massive part of my life for as long as I can remember. After losing my grandmother to cancer, “Race for Life” was the obvious thing to train for. Three miles became six, then half marathon followed by my ultimate, “The London Marathon”. I rode 6 miles to 100 and have competed in many different fitness events, always raising money for different charities.


Not always understanding the importance of body awareness, stretching and simply practising any kind of fitness safely, my mind started to change. I really do believe that strength comes from within, it’s all about the quality and precision of the exercise movement.

Nowadays my body has never felt stronger, I have less injuries and a better health overall.


I design and teach classes that are energising and breath-focused that encourages strength and flexibility, leaving you feel like you have worked hard but with a sense of relaxation. Acknowledging that we are all very different I am keen to help people at an individual level and guarantee that everyone in my classes will get individual help and attention from me to help them progress and improve during
each class.


I believe it is healthy to keep learning. I continuously attend workshops and courses to develop and further my knowledge in Pilates and other general fitness, passing this knowledge on to my students in classes.


The only thing left to say is…..It’s never too late…..Is Pilates for you?


I am here to help.


Nadine Wright 
Pilates Instructor

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